Pu raw materials
Diafor Company is the manufacturer of MDI and TDI based polyurethane raw materials for
elastomers. All the components for elastomers production by means of hot casting are developed and manufactured according to the requirements of individual client. Great experience in
compounding, technology and application of different additives as well as in different process
methods – all these offer exciting opportunities for ready-to-use elastomers based on PUR.

Polyurethane parts
One of the main activities of our company is a production of high
quality PU-products based on polyesters and polyethers of MDI
and TDI systems. The main production of our company is the
materials used in severe conditions.

Composite materials
An effective method of selective pipeline repair without its decommissioning. Two steel half-couplings are installed on the defective pipe portion with gap of 30-40 mm followed by its welding together. The end gap between the coupling and the pipe is sealed with fast-curing mastic. The space between the coupling and the pipe is filled with composite compound with curing time of 24 hours.

Pigs for pipelines
The article is meant for cleaning of the pipeline’s internal surface
out of paraffin-like deposits and waste as well as preliminary
assess of the pipelines’ passability by the method of its running
through a pipeline prior to in-line defectoscope inspection.
Operation media: oil, oil products, both natural and industrial
gases, water.
Diameter of the pigs produced is within 8” – 56”

Engineering activities
Cleaning devices are designed for cleaning of the internal surface of pipelines from paraffin-contained deposits, debris and preliminary assessment of pipelines passing ability by passing it through the pipeline prior to the inspection with use of pigging detectors. Operating environment – oil, oil products, natural and industrial gases, water. The diameter of the produced cleaning devices is from 8 to 56 inches.